Triasima Portfolio Management is a Canadian investment management firm serving institutional and high net worth clients based across Canada and the United States.

We are known for our Three-Pillar ApproachTM – hence the name Triasima – which integrates fundamental, quantitative, and trend analysis in a rigorous yet innovative process.

Our team is united around this unique investment management approach.


An independent boutique with an exclusive approach

+ 20
years of existence
3 pillars
A unique approach in the industry
owned by its employees. A fully independent firm.

Triasima from yesterday to tomorrow

After a seven-year stint in corporate finance, André Chabot joined the portfolio management industry in the late 80s. Very early in his career, he started working on what would ultimately become the Three Pillar Approach™. Already at that time, faithful to his engineering background, André’s vision was to “add science and discipline to the art of portfolio management.”

In 1998, while working for an investment management firm, André met Scott Collins. In 1999, they were joined by Redouane Khireddine. Already then, the Three-Pillar Approach™ was at the center of their portfolio management process. 

In 2000, they spun off from their employer and incorporated Triasima. At the time, André, Scott and Redouane were the sole employees of the firm. They were involved on all aspects of its operations. 

From very humble beginnings, Triasima experienced steady growth over time. It was then key –and it is still today– to build a scalable structure that would ensure the continued success of the firm’s clients. Above from having all the necessary systems in place, it was critical to develop a strong second and third generation of colleagues beyond André’s first and Scott and Redouane’s second generation status. 

With the addition of key individuals like Mathieu Tanguay (President and Senior Partner), Nathalie Nowlan (Partner, Client Relationships) and Marie-Claude Lamond (Vice President, Operations & Finance), the second generation is now well built-up. For the last few years, the focus has been on mentoring and expanding the third generation.

Today, with a high-quality team of 30 colleagues, welded around a sophisticated and proven Three-Pillar Approach™ and supported by leading-edge technology, the future looks more promising than ever!

One name, one approach

Triasima is known for its Three-Pillar ApproachTM, an exclusive methodology that integrates fundamental, quantitative, and trend analysis in a rigorous yet innovative process that remains consistent in all market conditions.

This methodology allows us to deploy a robust investment process based on six core principles.

The six principles of our investment process

Well-defined tools

Our investment process is based on three analytical methods, our three "pillars": fundamental, quantitative, and trend. This means that all companies in which we invest are analyzed from three distinct and independent angles using well-defined criteria. Nothing is left to chance.

A humble attitude

Our humble and disciplined approach allows us to avoid behavioural biases such as overconfidence and fear of regret, which often brings investors to make bad investment decisions.

ESG factors integration

The integration of environmental, social, and good governance criteria allows us to identify certain risks and opportunities linked to these factors, while contributing to the development of a better world.

Complementary styles

Our portfolios are exposed to a wide range of styles, such as Growth, Value, and Momentum. This reduces risk by providing stability of returns for the portfolio through the various phases of the economic cycle.

Sound risk management

In addition to building well-diversified portfolios, our team applies continuous risk management using state-of-the-art tools.

Rigorous sell discipline

The Three-Pillar ApproachTM identifies not only attractive stocks, but also those that should be sold. We do not hesitate to replace a falling stock with a more promising one.

Your team


André R. Chabot, B.Eng., MBA, CFA
Founding Partner, CEO and CIO
Mathieu Tanguay, M.Sc., CFA
President and Senior Partner
Scott Collins, CFA
Founding Partner and Deputy Chief Investment Officer

Client relationships

Mathieu Tanguay, M.Sc., CFA
President and Senior Partner
Nathalie Nowlan, M.Sc., CFA
Partner, Client Relationships
Alexandre Tassé-Larrivée, CFA
Manager, Client Relationships
Yanish Thanacoody, CIM
Manager, Client Relationships
Dominique Bagdian, CIPM
Senior Analyst, Client Relationships

Portfolio management

André R. Chabot, B.Eng., MBA, CFA
Founding Partner, CEO and CIO
Scott Collins, CFA
Founding Partner and Deputy Chief Investment Officer
Redouane Khireddine, CFA
Founding Partner and Portfolio Manager
Edward Antczak, MBA, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Nicola Haratonian, CFA
Portfolio Manager
Simon Turner, CFA
Associate Portfolio Manager
Salma Ktat, Ph.D.
Senior Specialist, Responsible Investment
Giovanni Romeo
Senior Manager, Securities Transactions
Mostafa Mahmood, FRM
Financial Analyst
Daniel Germain, CFA
Financial Analyst
Slim Jellabi, MFin, CFA
Financial Analyst, Responsible Investment

Operations and finance

Estrela Rosoninha
Manager, Operations
Simona Vaserman
Analyst, Operations
Rosina Lo Presti
Analyst, Operations
Sophie Bertrand, CPA
Senior Accountant, Fund Accounting
Stéphanie Medeiros
Accounting Analyst
Raphaël Ducas-Lapalme
Buisness Analyst
Nicole Martineau
Consultant, HR
Marie-Josée Ortega
Premises Manager and Administrative Assistant

Regulatory and compliance

Michelle Brisson-Ferreira
Analyst, Compliance

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